Wanna Feel Good? Start by Getting Good at Feeling Bad

You know what it feels like.

You come home after a long day at work. The kids are running around screaming, the dog left some surprise messes for you to clean up, and the thought of trying to cook a healthy meal and clean up the kitchen seems like a herculean task.

You feel tired, stressed, worried, overwhelmed. The list goes on and on.

Instead of facing your life, there is another option, and it is very enticing.

All you have to do is run to your room, whip out your computer, sign into Netflix, and immediately you can forget all the things going on. Maybe even more importantly, you can begin to avoid all those feelings listed above.


We humans sure hate feeling bad and will do almost anything to avoid it. This is known as emotional avoidance, or “buffering,” as I like to call it.

Buffering is when you drink away feelings, sex away feelings, eat away feelings, and more recently in our human history, you can now use social media, streaming services, and video games to distract from all those things you just hate to feel!

There is nothing wrong with drinking, sex, food, or media consumption when used appropriately. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good “Netflix and chill” as much as the next person. But there are two things to be aware of when you’re buffering your feelings.

Read more here . . .


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